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1 June 2015 : Lean Reliability Engineering

"Lean Reliability Engineering" was presented at the 2015 International Applied Reliability
Symposium, Europe, held in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 21-23 April 2015.

15 April 2015 : INCOSE SA Gauteng chapter meeting

Albertyn Barnard presented a talk on "Reliability and stupidity: common mistakes in reliability engineering" to the Gauteng chapter of INCOSE SA on 15 April 2015.

20 January 2015 : Reliability and stupidity: mistakes in reliability engineering and how avoid them

Albertyn Barnard contributed as author of Chapter 2, "Reliability and stupidity: mistakes in reliability engineering and how to avoid them" in a new text book titled "Reliability Characterisation of Electrical and Electronic Systems, edited by Jonathan Swingler, ISBN 9781782422211.

19 April 2012 : Silver Award presentation

 The presentation "
Why you cannot predict electronic product reliability" by Albertyn Barnard received the Silver Award
 at the International Applied Reliability Symposium (ARS Europe 2012) held in Warsaw (Poland) from 28-30 March 2012.


9 January 2012 : INCOSE Reliability Engineering Working Group

The Charter of the Reliability Engineering Working Group of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
has been approved, with Albertyn Barnard as Working Group Chair.

15 November 2011 : Why you cannot predict electronic product reliability

"Why you cannot predict electronic product reliability" has been accepted for presentation at the 2012 International
Applied Reliability Symposium, Europe to be held in Warsaw, Poland from 28-30 March 2012,

5 September 2011 : Practical HALT & HASS

A 2-day training course on HALT & HASS is now available.  The course, "Practical HALT & HASS" starts with an introduction to reliability engineering to position HALT & HASS as complementary reliability engineering tools applicable to the development and production stages.  Course topics have been selected to show not only “what” HALT & HASS are, but also "how” to perform HALT & HASS.  The course includes a "hands-on" workshop where delegates will have the opportunity to perform a practical HALT on an electronic product.

22 July 2011 : Ten things you should know about HALT & HASS

"Ten things you should know about HALT & HASS" has been accepted for presentation at the 57th Annual Reliability
and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) to be held in Nevada, USA from 23-26 January 2012.

26 October 2010 : Ten things you should know about HALT & HASS

"Ten things you should know about HALT & HASS" has been accepted for presentation at the 2011 International
Applied Reliability Symposium, Europe to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 23-25 March 2011,

27 March 2009 :
Gold Award presentation


    The presentation "
Modern Reliability Engineering based on Quality Principles"
    by Albertyn Barnard received the Gold Award
at the International Applied Reliability
    Symposium (ARS Europe 2009) held in Barcelona (Spain) from 25-27 March 2009.

29 August 2008 :
HALT laboratory

The first commercial HALT & HASS test laboratory in South Africa
was opened on 23 July 2008 by Dr Gregg Hobbs,
the inventor of HALT & HASS.  The laboratory is equipped with
a TC-2.5 Panther Time Compression System from
HALT & HASS Systems Corporation. 
The chamber has a 750 x 750 mm shaker table, meaning that relatively large
products can be tested, or several smaller items can be tested simultaneously.  Clients have to supply their own test equipment to monitor product functionality during testing.

Companies interested in performing HALT (or simply exploring the application of HALT on their products), can contact
Albertyn Barnard
for more details.  Companies are also welcome to arrange a site visit for their personnel (including a
short lecture on HALT & HASS and demonstration of the HALT facility).